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Thursday, June 26, 2003

"war" in afghanistan and "war" in iraq have both been "won" by the U.S. yet we still haven't finished either. The US Government can't seem to find Osama Bin Laden, and The US Government can't seem to find Saddam Hussien and once more The US Government can't seem to find any weapons of mass destruction. The US Government is still suspending habeus corpus for all the people at guantanamo bay, cuba and The US Government is also trying to say that all of the middle east peace talk's success so far is because of The US Government. Also being as president bush is such a great president, the federal resrve intrest rate is at a 45 year low of 1% [that's a bad thing] and the economy is in shambles. Right now the S and P is hovering below 1,000, and the Dow Jones just had a recent fall 0f 400 after a week of slow climbing. It was at 7,800 a month ago. Also The US Government has failed to keep it's promises on supporting education and has let almost every school across the nation fall into financial crisis. Oregon schools had to cancel school 4 weeks early because of lack of funding.

On the good side The US Government has upheld affirmative action for now. while in the future affirmative action will have to go. it seems that it is still needed. we still have racism, and until we can get rid of that, we won't be able to get rid of affirmative action.

that's all i have for now. hopefully everyone will respond in someway, so we can get this blog started again.. if not. it's been a fun time debating with all of you.

fin, kifer
Refiki 3:41 PM

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